Banana Splits


What is Banana Splits?

Banana Splits is a group for children or adolescents with parents who are divorced or are getting a divorce - and all stages in between! We meet once a week for approximately 6 weeks, with similarly aged kids who are going through this experience. Identifying with other kids who are part of a “split” can be incredibly beneficial in combating feelings of isolation. Research shows that connecting with others in a support group can reduce anxiety, improve self-esteem, and positively impact overall well-being after a significant life event.

What do we do?

In our club, we talk, play games, work on art projects and take part in different age appropriate group activities. All of these specific, tailored techniques have proven successful in establishing group cohesion, and ultimately, a comfortable environment for children to express their true feelings and concerns. All of the children are given the opportunity to speak with me privately after the group, if they need to express something individually. Allowing for the child to have an opportunity to speak with only one set of “listening ears” gives them one more layer of comfort.

Sharing is always optional. Participants will know that they can always “pass and listen,” and they will still be gaining beneficial skills and feeling a sense of belonging and connection. We will also discuss the importance of confidentiality to ensure everyone’s comfort in the group.

Initial Family Screening

Each divorce situation is different and each child is so very unique. Because of this, when forming the group, I will conduct an intake with families to determine which stage of divorce your family is in at this time. Each stage from the initial split, to dealing with a “changing family,” brings its own set of challenges. The consultation session will help me plan specific strategies for the group, and provides you an opportunity to learn more and ask questions.

What if my child isn’t ready for a group?

If we determine that your child is not ready for a group, then I will discuss my best recommendation with you. Sometimes individual counseling is more suitable for a particular situation. Joining a future group is always an option.

Ready to get in touch?

Contact us directly at Please email for information about the next Banana Splits group. Looking forward to connecting!